【同义词辨析】 2018-01-04 属性quality-attribute

quality: is a general term applicable to ANY trait OR characteristic(必须单数) whether material or immaterial, individual or generic: a star whose acting has a persistently amateurish ~.

property: a characteristic that belongs to a thing's essential nature and may be used to describe a TYPE or SPECIES(物种单复数相同): asked them to name the basic ~ of mammals.

character: applies to a peculiar(=distinctive) and distinctive characteristic of an individual or class: each of the island's villages had a distinctive ~.

attribute: a characteristic ASCRIBEd to a thing or being: a man with none of the traditional ~ of a popular hero.

quality: 通用任何特点特征, property: 本质属性,可以描述类型种类, character: 独特(以后会介绍peculiar就是distinctive独特), attribute: (人们)判定的特点

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想记忆: AP QC, Associated Press美联社Quality Control质量控制很有特点-->啥都可以写。
         2) 四个词有用characteristic解释。traitcharacteristic是最基本的词,无法用其他词解释。

         3)属性的意思是可以理解识别的特征 mean an intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified or understood. (feature特征也是基本词,本条有3个基本词,trait,characteristic和feature)